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Executive Coaching / Supervisory Skills Development

Leadership Styles 
Words like transformational, transactional, functional, situational, autocratic, participative free-reign, narcissistic and toxic are used to describe leader behaviors. Leadership styles are visible in the exhibited behaviors, shaped by the personality, prior experiences and the philosophy of the individual. Conscious choices of the evolving leader can shape the final style manifested.

Decision Making Styles
There is more than one way to arrive at a decision. Do you lean toward the Directive decision-making style or do you rely on Participative decision making in all situations? When is it the time for pursuit of Consensus? Is there ever a time for those directly impacted to have ownership of a decision? Highly successful leaders move across a spectrum of style choices.

The Art and Science of Effective Interviewing
Do you want to make better hiring decisions? Are you tired of starting over too often? Do you know how to probe actual past performance as a possible indicator of future behavior? Do You know how to get the most out of a resume?

Career Transition Assistance

Resume Writing (all levels)
The resume is an essential part of any career transition effort. Understanding your options in constructing your resume should be of paramount interest. Your resume must represent you accurately. It is essential that you be able to talk to every entry on it. Top Line Performance strongly encourages the ACCOMPLISHMENT resume format of actions and results. What is read by a hiring manager should closely parallel what you say verbally in an interview?


The Art of Networking

It is probably safe to say that most people perceive networking as the pursuit of interviews with people who can hire you. Unfortunately, these people overlook the potential found in conversations conducted with nearly anyone who is available to meet with you to discuss your job search and marketing plan. Learn how to tap into the real power in networking.

Interview Preparation 
Interviewing is an imperfect process. The interview is an opportunity to represent yourself as a prime candidate for a position. It is also an opportunity to gain insight into the job for which you may ultimately entertain a job offer. You will learn the importance of recognizing the job-related cues that reside in the questions interviewers choose to ask you. You will learn how to create STAR stories that are not only answers to interview questions but can also directly translate to information on your resume.


- Additional list of topic areas used to build a customized package -


Time Management and Goal Setting

Are you setting realistic and beneficial goals? Learn not only how to set yourself up for success by the goals you set, but learn how to set goals for those you supervise that are realistic while achievable and goals that tie directly to company goals. 


Conducting Effective Meetings

Meeting after the meeting can kill productivity. Poorly managed meetings can be interpreted as a sign of not respecting the time of participants. Learn how to conduct a results-oriented meeting.


Conflict Resolution Methods

Not all conflict is negative. Learn how to recognize the value of healthy exchange of competing ideas versus disruptive behavior in the workplace. Learn how to separate facts from emotion and make hard choices in pursuit of positive outcomes.


Successful Delegation

Ever hear a manager say they don't have time to delegate...they had to get the work done.  The truth is they do not have time to not delegate. Done well, delegation is a phased process that holds the employee accountable in a positive way.


Handling Problem Employees

Employee problems come in all shapes and sizes. If you think "people problems" are all alike just ask the person and they will tell you their situation is unique. Learn how to discover the real problem to be solved before you spend time-solving the wrong problem. Is it the employee or is it something else? Learn how to make the employee a part of the solution.


Facilitating the Strategic Planning Process

A talent in very short supply in companies is the skill to facilitate the tenuous Strategic Planning Process. Learn how to convene the participants, define and achieve consensus to the problem to be resolved. Learn the techniques to access the critical components of the ultimate goal. Learn how to move participants to group ownership of agreed-upon actions.


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