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“I am…”

A while back, I made reference to Linda Ellis’ poem “The Dash”. Remember?

It was about “the dash” on a tombstone that represented the essence of a person’s life after they have passed (away). (I knew I had to finish that thought…for some of you. IKR)

Now I want to talk to about your “I am…” You haven’t, kicked the bucket, passed away, gone to be with the grim reaper, crossed-over… (Ok enough already.) You’re still here.

Stop doing what you’re doing. Finish this sentence. “I am…”:

  • ….

  • ….

  • ….

Can you, do you say in truth:

  • I am truthful.

  • I am honest.

  • I am a person I would like to know.

  • I am respectful people.

  • I am genuine when I extend value to others around me.

  • I am respectful of people enough to have high expectations of them.

  • I am aware of good performers, and surround them with other good performers.

  • I am an investor in people, presuming they will deliver a high ROI (return on the investment I’ve made.).

  • I am the kind of employee an employer wants more of.

  • I am the kind of boss that people want to work for and work with.

It’s been my experience that if you are having any difficulty answering “I am…”, be mindful that the people around you won’t have any difficulty answering “You are.”

Hope that makes you sleep like a baby and not keep you up at night.


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