Behaviors are actions in response to situations or stimulus.
Did you ever stop to think that Managers and Supervisors create (or perpetuate) the workplace culture of a company by how they interact with each other? And do Managers and Supervisors shape the behaviors of their peers and their subordinates by the respect they show toward each other?
For example, let’s consider “fault-finding” and “demeaning” another Supervisor or Manager to fellow Managers or Supervisors. What’s accomplished? Is there a downside to being openly judgmental or downgrading about a peer? Could this behavior also suggest insecurity on the part of the one expressing displeasure or ridicule?
Strong Manages and Supervisors are aware of both their own strengths and non-strength areas to a level of self-confidence that they can acknowledge and recognize out-loud, the strengths and contributions of others. Leaders look for opportunities to build others “UP”; not tear down. Not only does it impact productivity and efficiency, across departments and functional relationships it is being observed by others within listening range.
AND, (isn’t there always another “and”?) if this behavior was adopted across Supervisory and Managerial levels, could there be a “trickle-down” effect within the organization? ABSOLUTELY! Managers and Supervisors are the yardsticks of Acceptable/Not Acceptable behavior. If the Supervisor openly demeans, disrespects their peers…it must be OK for them to do it with their co-workers.
Act “respectfully” of others. Act-out “professionalism”. Accept no less from those you supervise or manage.
You spend more time with co-workers and those you supervise than you do with close friends and family. Could adopting and encouraging this “build people up vs. tear people down” culture contribute to a more desirable place to spend so much of your time?
Try it. You might like it.