A lot has been made by authors and parents of “industrious ants”, “ant colonies” and even coming up with sayings like “He/She has so much nervous energy that he/she must have ants in his/her pants.”

So what about being a workaholic? Do you work to live or live to work? Some people work longer hours because of their passion for the outcome of their efforts. Others work long hours, though, out of a “need” to “appear busy to others”, as a status symbol. Workaholics adopt behaviors that may have injurious consequences at both social levels and health levels. Let me suggest to you that there is a tombstone you won’t see: “Here lies (you fill in a name). He/She was a really good asset to the company.” I want to be an asset to my employer; but there are things I might want to be remembered for that would come before.
To continue the observation of workaholism, researchers who have studied productivity tell us, or at least, me, (IKR) that 40% of the US workforce works more than 50 hrs. per week. And, 20% work more than 60 hrs. per week. However, they also say that productivity falls radically after 55hrs. And, those people who work over 70+ hrs. per week…often actually produce no more than the worker at 60hrs. Go ponder that one.
OK, now “researchers” (people who get paid to look at stuff), also tell us (OK, at least me), that most of those industrious ants in ant colonies are actually doing nothing. (They must have ants in their pants.) Sorry, I couldn’t pass that one up. You don’t want to be one of the ants doing nothing; but you also don’t want to have your time and effort be wasted. That may be where the work/life balance idea comes from. (Did you see how I lead you into “discovering” that one?)
So, what is your ROA? Nope, I didn’t mean to say ROI. What’s your Return On Ants (in your pants)?