Wow, That's Different.

Yes, I’m back. 2024 was what I describe as a “Spectrum” year. It had big swings in both directions. You may have had some of your own “swings” in 2024. So, here’s to a 2025 with only “good swings”. So, that means my newsletter will periodically be coming your again. The content will still be “professional self-development lessons”. But going forward there will be “slice of life” pieces.
I ‘ll bet that many of you don’t know that my wife Mo Piles and I are authors. You can go to and see all of our books. My wife predominantly writes children’s books. We jointly have written faith based, self-help books. And, A large number of past newsletters can be found in “So How’s That Working For You?”.
I want to direct your attention to Mo’s newest book: “Dementia Love”. Dementia touches so many our lives. It may be a Parent, Grandparent, or friend. Importantly, it can be your children who will benefit the most from the messages in Mo’s book Dementia Love. In a tender, loving way Dementia Love helps children learn how to love and treat grandparents who have dementia.
Check it out.