So, what might a conversation between Confucius and Anonymous sound like? (Since so many things attributed to them cannot be verified; it could be you, it could be me. IKR)
As an aspiring Manager (or inspiring Manager), would any of the people you supervise ever say, “I want to be like my boss?” What do they see in you and what do you see in them? Are you even looking and how hard?
“Anybody can find the light switch when the lights are on.” How are you at light switches? One of them is supposed to have observed that “Some people say they can’t. Some people say they can.” Both can be right. As you look over your staff, how many of each perception do you see? Are you smiling or not?
Do you have a realistic perception of your strengths and weaknesses? “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” I think that proposition falls short in the workplace. Here is my add-on. “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance as a Manager and fill the void with talented others.” (Another IKR, right.)
A great Manager of people is hard on themselves; a weak Manager is hard on others. And, when it comes to “making mistakes”; the person who makes a mistake and does not correct it…has made another mistake.
Some of us pursue “perfection”. But improvement requires a willingness to change. To pursue perfection will require that you change often. (Hmm, didn’t someone say that only babies like “change”?)
And a closing reminder, as a supervisor; your responsibility is to accomplish more by guiding and directing a diverse group of people (your staff) to achieve more together than you could ever accomplish by yourself.
Good talk. We’ll have to do it again sometime.