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Many Have More Time..Use It Well

As you know by now (since you’re a reader of “So How’s That working For You?”), I’m a people-watcher. (IKR). And, in these “interesting times”, there’s a lot to watch.

On the one hand, I see more families out walking and riding when weather allows. On another hand, I read of domestic violence increasing alarmingly. On another hand, (Wait isn’t that 3 hands? Deal with it.) I see neighborhoods with balloons and well wishes for birthdays and upcoming graduations. Before I get to the person with four hands, I think you get my point. But, are those the only things even “untrained people watchers” might consider? (Notice: there might be some faith based considerations ahead, so proceed with

comfort or trepidation.) Now that you might have a little more time on your hands:

· Enjoy the time and take the time to think…it just might lead to wisdom.

· Take advantage of having time to play…it just might lead to fond memories.

· Dare to Dream of what your goals are…then circle back to point 2.

· Take this “extra” time might also revisit your values and your relationships (i.e. God,

your faith, your beliefs) as a way to re-find strength.

· Take the time to Smile (even under your mask)…it does great things for you and the person on the receiving end.

· Allow yourself to laugh…and be open to recognizing things that are laugh-worthy.

· Take the time (secs, mins. hrs. days, wks.) to “love“ in actions and behaviors toward others.

In whatever way you do it, take time to pray…for strength, for safety, for an end to this virus. And, if you don’t pray, you might try it.

And, to conclude, be aware of others around you (family, friends and neighbors…) Be aware of how they might not be handling this quarantined thing well”. (That alone might help you handle things better yourself.) IKR.

This is a short newsletter this time. So, go out and make use of this extra time.



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