Ok, consider this:
- You are probably spending more time at work than you are with family or friends.
- You are probably spending more time with “people” in your workplace than with family or friends.
- You still have only 86,400 seconds in a day that you can’t carry over. (Go ahead, do the math.)
- Exit interviews still reflect that most “people who leave” say it’s “because of their boss”.
And, how about these disquieting (Yes, that’s an SAT test word from a prior era.) considerations and possible contradictions:
- Employers are talking about the “unskilled workforce” that causes jobs to go unfilled.
- UnEmployment is at an all-time low.
- Rising wages are resulting in workplace changes like the elimination of “Greeters” in Walmart and the reduction of workers, replaced by automation (e.g. McDonalds self-order computer kiosks).
So, what’s my point? How about “GET SELFISH”. (Didn’t expect that one, did you?)
- If you are spending so much time “at work”, shape the experience with “positivism” and “optimism”.
- People leave bosses and people stay because of bosses and the people they work around. (They spend as much time at work as you do.)
- Have high standards and show respect for the people who report to you…and get it back in return.
- Recognize that when people stay, turnover goes down and the need for “new hire orientation” goes down. (Funny how that works.)
Negativism, doomsday thinking never makes change for the better. POSITIVISM and OPTIMISM is the opposite and is the source of change for the better.
Are you worth BETTER?