It’s very common, and not very difficult, to verbally list all of the inconveniences and unexpected obstacles brought on by this Pandemic. Things like:
· Missed production goals,
· Furloughing or staff reductions,
· Costs that continue to mount; but planned for revenue does not,
· The troublesome and confusing behaviors exhibited by your employees, who are
having difficulty dealing with the upset in their personal lives, and
· “Workplace issues” that, sometimes, seem to have nothing to do with “the doing” of
the work.
I have an idea about how you might deal with these “inconveniences” and “obstacles”.
Try looking at the Workplace you oversee and have influence over differently than you have, up to this point. It is very likely that the five examples mentioned above have created “new stress” on your employees as well as on you, and on your business. So, what could you do differently…on purpose:
*Could you work to change the workplace culture to one that creates a “feeling of
oneness”. A sense of “we’re in this together”?
* Or, create and acknowledge that “we’re in this together” and “WE” benefit from working together. (This is not saying to obliterate roles and responsibilities.)
* How about consciously looking for reasons to show respect for each other?
* And finally, Start and Follow Through with being consistently consistent, instead of
being consistently inconsistent?
Now would be the perfect time for the Senior Management of a business to Revisit and Recommit to what and how it will go forward through and beyond this time of pandemic.. Is everybody on the same page? The only way to be sure, is to dare to ask the questions and then dare to act and react accordingly.
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