No, I didn’t make this up. In fact, my wife Mo educated me on the subject. So there.
It was named National Upsy Daisy Day in 2003, but it is not a “recognized holiday”. ( So you don’t get a paid day off from work.) It also has its own day, June 8 of each year. (As you read on, you might agree with me that it should be observed 365 days of the year.)
The term Upsy Daisy dates back to the mid-19th century. It was what parents often said to a child as encouragement after they had fallen, or maybe as they picked them up. In 1954, my favorite Psychologist, Abraham Maslow coined the term “Positive Psychology” in his work. But it was Stephanie West Allen who created the day, wanting to give humor, laughter, and a positive attitude within each of us. She hoped it would become a conscious shared effort.
Upsy Daisy Day promotes positive introspection. It promotes the idea that each day is a gift. Being “consciously grateful” for what we have (for example, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, friends, and family, etc.) can affect our attitude in a positive way. That attitude can then affect how we interact with the rest of “our world”.
We all encounter bumps and challenges in our lives (our personal and our work lives). Adopting an “Up-Day” (I created that abbreviation) attitude might look like: finding a smile and wearing it. It might include finding things to positively reinforce in behaviors of family members and in the behaviors of people you work with.
Trying to adopt an “Up-Day” attitude won’t make your problems go away, but may bring you “peace of mind”. It may make you more appreciative of others.
When we encounter those bumps and setbacks in our lives, maybe we need an “Upsy Daisy”.