What’s Your Worth?
At your desk, while gazing out of the window, or, on your way home from an exhausting day of work and reviewing the day as you look out over the steering wheel, sometimes, some days; you may ponder this question.
So, what is the yardstick you’re using to “value YOU”? Quite often, along the sideline of a sports event that your child is participating in; the parent next to you may matter of factly ask, “So, what do you do?” For some of us, “what we do” is equated with an individual’s worth. For others reading this newsletter “net worth” is the metric. That’s caught up in the mindset of “keeping up with the Jones”. (Those darn Jones.)
And then, there are those who use “the achievement” yardstick to measure their worth. It’s a meritorious value-system. It’s personal perception of worth, rooted in your self-esteem. (Caring how others see you for doing-of-good deeds. (A bit of Wizard of Oz messaging.)
Here’s a “take” on self-worth that’s a little different. A person’s actions will tell you all you need to know about “someone’s worth in the workplace”. For example, do you show up, every day and on time. It’s called work ethic. Do you apply “effort” in the doing of your job? (Instead of going-through-the-motions.) Do your body language, facial expressions, and spoken words reflect positivism or negativism? Do you “wear-your- positive-attitude-on-your-shirtsleeve”?
I hope you do. Otherwise, why do you continue to show-up-and-go-through-the motions, performing just enough to keep your job? If you don’t, you actually may be de-valuing YOU.
Zig Ziglar once (maybe more than that) said, “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are willing to learn, no one can stop you.” What might that look like? Is your reputation…“He/she keeps working hard, even when no one is watching?” And, if you are a Supervisor, are you known for putting people down, or for how many you have lifted up?
YOUR Worth? Are you more likely to have a track record for being a “hustler” or a “9 to 5’er”?
And, if you actually do model these “positives”; do you apply “Your behavior and standards” to the people who report to you? You should.
“IF” you do have worth…(you can fill in the end of the sentence.)