You Should Strive To Be A GOAT
Always be yourself unless you can be a goat. Then, always be a goat.
Where did that come from?
My grandson, TJ, taught me that I should always be a GOAT. Ok, I had to think about that for a while too. So, the more we talked it became clear to me. (And, some of you, the enlightened ones, already know where some of this is going. Don’t you?)
Whatever you do in your personal life, and in your work-life, how often do your personal standards come into play. Whatever you do in your work-life, you should strive to act out your values. Just think about it…do you set the people who work for you up-to-be-successful? Do you hold them accountable to perform to their capabilities? Do they know that you hold them in respect?
You could do all of those things, every day. You could make your workplace one that you look forward to being in, every day. You could make their workplace one that they look forward to being in, every day. Now there’s a thought.
Ok, Ok, by now you have probably figured out that GOAT actually stands for Greatest Of All Time. TJ also said that it applied to Tom Brady, New England Patriots Quarterback. (That was very hard for me to write. Some of you know that I happen to be a Miami Dolphins fan…enough said.)
But, (there’s often another but) I always try to do serious (?) research for my newsletter. Here are some things (not all) that I have gathered:
- Every year in the USA, 16 people are attacked by sharks and 6000 by goats. Just sayin’, we don’t need a shark week.
- “There was a Billy goat at a movie studio who found and ate a can of film. When a nanny ( also a goat) asked how he liked it, he said, “It was alright but I liked the book better.” (Wait for it.) by Johnny Carson, comedian.
- Ok, what are goat kids called? (Come on, come on…Kids) IKR
- What, take a trip? Sure, Alpaca my bags. (Sorry couldn’t help it.)
Some of you are grinning. I can see it.